Mit unserer Kampagne Zonta says NO zeigen wir seit zehn Jahren rund um den 25. November – dem Internationalen Tag zur Beseitigung von Gewalt gegen Frauen – dass Zonta nicht wegschaut, sondern Nein sagt zu Gewalt gegen Frauen.

25.11.202319 - 23 UhrMünchner prominente Gebäude und Plätze


Orangefarbene Bänke und orangefarbene Beleuchtung im Bereich der Stadt München

Schulprojekte / Aktionen in der Stadt z.B. Podiumsdiskussion, Lesung, Demo, Fortbildung

1. - 28.11.2023

Münchner Aktionswochen gegen Gewalt an Frauen, Mädchen, Jungen und nonbinären Menschen

06.-08.11.2023US$10/day or US$25* for all three days.Sessions will feature keynote speakers, panel discussions and practical workshops that will inspire all attendees to say NO to gender-based violence!

All sessions will be recorded and shared with all registrants regardless of attendance.

See below for the full program. Links to each session will be emailed to each registrant prior to this event. Learn more at:

6.11.202317 Uhr

Cyberviolence is a growing global problem with significant impacts on women and girls’ ability to freely and safely use the internet. Join Zonta International for a conversation about cyberviolence and what needs to be done to ensure that women and girls are able to fully participate in digital spaces and utilize the opportunities they provide without fear of violence.

7.11.202323 Uhr

Join the Greater Visibility Training Team and Zonta International Headquarters communications team for a hands-on workshop with practical social media tips for how Zontians can participate with their district, club or as individuals to increase awareness of Zonta Says NO activities around the world.

8.11.202317 Uhr

Chanel Miller is an artist, writer, and author of the New York Times bestseller Know My Name, a breathtaking memoir of a survivor reclaiming her voice. First known publicly as Emily Doe, Miller is the survivor of the Stanford University sexual assault case that exposed the harsh reality of what many victims face in the tangles of the criminal justice system.

Join Zonta International for a conversation with Chanel Miller on how to reclaim agency and use storytelling as a tool for healing and progress. Through emphasizing the power of art, truth and narrative control, Chanel encourages audiences to find, harness and uplift their voices.

Those interested in purchasing Chanel’s book

in advance of the conversation can do so at:

8.11.20233 Uhr

Students are bravely speaking out against gender-based violence in their schools and communities.

Learn more about the actions Zonta International’s Z clubs and Golden Z clubs and Young Women in Public Affairs awardees have taken to address violence against women and girls.


19.11.202216.30 - 18 Uhr


25.11.202212 UhrSebastiansplatz

Anlässlich des Internationalen Tags gegen Gewalt an Frauen enthüllt Bürgermeisterin Katrin Habenschaden gemeinsam mit Baureferentin Dr.-Ing. Jeanne-Marie Ehbauer und den vier Präsidentinnen der Münchner Zonta Clubs am Sebastiansplatz eine orangefarbene Bank. Die Bänke mit der Aufschrift „Kein Platz für Gewalt gegen Frauen“ sind eine Aktion der Münchner ZONTA-Clubs. Sie sollen künftig dauerhaft und in allen Stadtbezirken dem Thema Sichtbarkeit verleihen.